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Past editions:

ESF 2012

ESF 2011

ESF 2010




Founded in 1976, ACRP, together with our affiliate physician organization APCR (the Academy of Physicians in Clinical Research), is the leading professional association in the world addressing the unique issues and challenges you face daily in your professional life. Through the voluntary efforts of our members, ACRP has become a global forum for the exchange of ideas and the leading resource for information on industry-specific news, advances, issues, trends and regulations. As a member, your involvement will not only enrich your career, but also help to shape the future of ACRP and the clinical research profession.





The BIAS group was born in 1985 with the aim of:
- Promoting members’ collaboration;

- Organising meetings and conventions on statistical methodology and data management;
- Promoting collaboration with other Professionals of the same Area.





La Società di Scienze Farmacologiche Applicate (SSFA) è un’associazione scientifica senza fini di lucro, costituita a Milano nel 1964. È formata da circa 850 Soci, appartenenti prevalentemente all’industria farmaceutica ed a società di ricerca a contratto, attivi nell’area della ricerca e sviluppo dei farmaci e nelle discipline ad essa collegate. Si contraddistingue per la vastità d’interessi culturali, che coprono estesamente tutta l’area della farmacologia applicata, a livello preclinico e clinico.





The Austro-Swiss Region (ROeS) of the International Biometric Society is a scientific society promoting the development and application of statistical and mathematical theory and methods in the biosciences, including agriculture, biomedical science and public health, ecology, environmental sciences, forestry, and allied disciplines. ROeS is geographically located in Austria and Switzerland, Its members are primarily statisticians and mathematicians working in biomedical sciences and industry.






ENBIS (European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics) is a network promoting the application and understanding of statistical methods to the benefit of European business and industry. ENBIS provides a forum for the dynamic exchange of ideas among statistical practitioners (persons using statistical methods whether formally trained or not). The network has over 1500 members in  practically all European countries; membership is free.






The Italian Society of Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology (SISMEC) is a non-profit scientific association. It aims to promote research in the field of statistics applied to medical and health sciences, and to those disciplines closely related, such as biometry, epidemiology and clinical epidemiology, health services planning and management.
SISMEC also aims to provide updated information to individuals working in the public health area, through Conferences, Seminars, Symposia, and Round Tables. Moreover SISMEC offers grants and fellowships to young talented researchers for participation to conferences and specialized courses.
Finally, SISMEC seeks to facilitate contacts among national and international institutions, so that researchers can collaborate on common projects in the field of Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology.





The Belgian Statistical Society (BSS) was founded in 1937. The scope of the Society is to contribute to scientific progress in statistics by promoting co-operation between Belgian statisticians and to help the general public to get better understanding of the place of statistics in the modern world. The Society has currently over 300 ordinary members and 8 honorary members.





Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry is a professional body for statisticians in the industry. For more details on our training, scientific meetings (both face-to-face and online) and membership benefits, visit






The Dutch Society of Hospital Pharmacy (NVZA) is a scientific society, founded in 1929, with 800 members. It is a scientific knowledge and professional organisation for the integrated specialist pharmacy. The NVZA provides help and take care of the interests of its members in their professional and social responsibilities through the specialist pharmaceutical care of patients with optimal results. The NVZA contributes to a safe, effective and efficient healthcare and contributes to health promotion and prevention strategies and treatment of medication problems. Important areas for attention are: quality, science, management, ICT, logistics, pharmaceutical care, medication safety and communication. The NVZA is encouraging, monitoring and evaluating the quality of the scientific research and the education of the Hospital Pharmacists. NVZA website:




The Danish Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics (DSBS) was formed in March 1992 as an independent non-profit association. The aims of DSBS are to further the exchange of information between professional statisticians working for the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark and abroad, to promote professional standards, and to constitute an expert body in biopharmaceutical statistical matters. About 150 statisticians, representing
18 companies, are members of the society. website:



















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